Extending our “family spirit
The transition to secondary school is an important stage in the life of a teenager. To facilitate this new adventure, the management of Collège Notre-Dame le Clos Fleuri, concerned as we are about the well-being of our students, is very attentive to the “wishes” expressed by young people to be together in the same classes.
Why Collège Notre-Dame le Clos Fleuri?
We are very committed to the quality and results of our teaching methods. The students we support benefit from a rich and atypical educational pathway that has proved its worth, and continues to attract a growing number of families.
Our aim is to enable our students to continue their education in the same excellent conditions.

Notre Dame le Clos Fleuri is a private school of the highest standard. Located in L’Isle Jourdain, this human-scale school shares our founding values:
- Welcoming and respecting all without distinction
- Teaching methods adapted to today’s generations
- Support for students in the development of their personal projects
- Development of each individual’s personality
- Quality of relationships and communication
- Cultural and artistic openness to Europe and the world
In 2024, 100% pass rate for the DNB exam with 91.5% of candidates passing with honours.